Pastoral Care

K-6 assembly 12 June 2019

​On Wednesday Kinder – Year 6 joined together for another wonderful assembly focusing on friendship.

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Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Education Program

​On Wednesday 26 June 2019, K-2 students will have the opportunity to experience Bravehearts’ Personal Safety Education Program; “The Ditto Show.” Bravehearts are proud of this program and believe that by providing children with the basic principles of personal safety, they are providing them with the tools to stay safe.

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Uniform Review update

The Uniform Review and Redesign Committee recently met to consider initial designs that have been developed for ƵƬ’s new uniform by Elizabeth Delahoyde, Head of Design at Perm-A-Pleat. These designs have been based heavily on the consultation data as well as Ms Delahoyde’s experience of what will best meet our needs in our climate as a K-10 co-educational school.

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World Challenge 2020

On Wednesday 29 May, World Challenge representatives Hannah and Rachel were on hand to help launch the World Challenge trip to Cambodia for 2020. They hosted a parent evening in the College library were many families braved the cold weather to learn about this amazing opportunity. Students currently in Years 8, 9 and 10 are eligible to travel.

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K-6 assembly 29 May 2019

Last Wednesday, 29 May, our Kinder–Year 6 students enjoyed an assembly with some amazing class performances. Our Year 1 students sang their Japanese song about being in Year 1 – ‘Ichinensei’, Year 1A performed the hilarious story ‘Piranha’s Don’t Eat Bananas’ as they focused on expressive reading and Year 2A have been investigating water and shared their findings and some poetry with us.

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3-10 Cross Country Carnival

Congratulations to each and every one of our students who participated in last Friday’s 3-10 Cross Country Carnival. It was certainly a busy day for both students and staff alike, with not only running races underway, but also many novelty activities for students to try.

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7-10 assembly 22 May

At our 7-10 assembly this week, I reminded our students and staff about how blessed we are each day to come to school and work and be surrounded by such a beautiful natural environment.

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Rite Journey - The Departure

On Thursday evening, Year 9 students and their families participated in the annual Rite of Passage Ceremony, “The Departure”. This is a process that involves expressing gratitude towards the people who have cared for you and looked after you in times of need.

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Latest news from the P&F

We have had a very busy couple of months since our February meeting with some of our most popular events being very well supported. Thank you to all parents who took the time to come along to the Parent Uniform Forum that was held instead of the March P&F Meeting. Parents who attended received information regarding the uniform review, engaged in small group discussions and also talked to our designer at Perm A Pleat.

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Shizuoka Salesio College relationship

At the 7-10 Assembly this week, Harry Breslin (Year 9), Mrs Susie Allan and I had the pleasure of sharing some of our experiences from our recent Japan Study Tour. You can read a more detailed summary of the trip later in this newsletter. Whilst on the study tour, we had the opportunity to visit Shizuoka Salesio College, our new sister school. Last year, Ms Gilligan went to visit a number of schools across Japan and has successfully established a relationship with Salesio College.

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