Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Education Program

On Wednesday 26 June 2019, K-2 students will have the opportunity to experience Bravehearts’ Personal Safety Education Program; “The Ditto Show.” Bravehearts are proud of this program and believe that by providing children with the basic principles of personal safety, they are providing them with the tools to stay safe.

The “Ditto Show” is a live performance with “Ditto” being the star attraction. Ditto is a bear. The show runs for 35 minutes and the program has been delivered throughout the other states in Australia since 2006 empowering over 300,000 children.

“Ditto” the Bravehearts’ mascot comes to life as the star of the Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Education program to ensure the program is fun, interactive and engaging. Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Program and the resources are NOT SEX EDUCATION. Private parts are simply explained as the mouth (as we don’t just go around kissing anyone), the chest, between the legs and our bottoms. The main aim of the program is to enhance children’s emotional literacy.

Topics covered throughout the show consist of Yes/No feelings, the body’s warning signs, private parts, secrets and what to do if you feel unsafe or unsure.

No program can guarantee to “abuse-proof” our children. But by teaching them the principles of personal safety we are giving them the knowledge they need to stay safe and know what to do if anything does happen.

We have had Bravehearts run this program at ÁńÁ«ĘÓƵ»ĆƬ for a number of years and it also complements our Empower Program.

There is also a parent session running at 8.45am in the Little Theatre that you are welcome to attend. There is no cost attached to this session, but please book at the TryBooking link so we can ensure seating is available.

If you do not wish for your child to attend the show, please notify your child’s teacher via a note in their diaries or an email.Should you have any questions please contact Allison Lowe or Olivia Stephen at school or please don’t hesitate to contact Braveheart’s Head Office on 07 5552 3000.

Parents/Carers are welcome to attend the show if you would like to. To ensure we have enough space, please let your child’s teacher know if you would like to attend. Session times are as follows:




Parent Session

Kinder B

Kinder C

Prep A

Year 1A

Year 2A

Kinder A

Prep B

Year 1B

Year 2B

All sessions will be held in the Little Theatre (just up from the K-6 Library)

Kind Regards

Allison Lowe and Olivia Stephen - Coordinators Pastoral Care K-6