Latest news from the P&F

We have had a very busy couple of months since our February meeting with some of our most popular events being very well supported.

Thank you to all parents who took the time to come along to the Parent Uniform Forum that was held instead of the March P&F Meeting. Parents who attended received information regarding the uniform review, engaged in small group discussions and also talked to our designer at Perm A Pleat. Overall it was a really insightful and valuable evening.

Easter Raffle Thank you to all parents, students, teachers and family members who supported this year's Easter Raffle. We had an amazing response with tickets and donations flooding in. Thank you to Anne, Christine, Jo, Lynne, Lyn and Sharyn M for giving up an evening at home and wrapping 55 prizes and making them look amazing and to Anne, Elise, Mary, Kirsty, Lyn and Sharyn M for donning their bunny ears and helping draw the raffle. The raffle draw ran smoothly, the prize winners were very happy and the P&F raised $3564 which is a tremendous effort.

Our Mother’s Day stall was held on Wednesday and all students had a great time picking out beautiful and special gifts for the women in their lives. We had a amazing selection of gifts available to choose from and we had many students and staff buy more than one item for their families. I would like to thank all P&F members who gave up their valuable time to both set up and run the stall.

Splash of Colour K-6 Disco

Next week, on Friday 17 May, the P&F Community will run its annual K-6 Disco. The theme will be A Splash of Colour and both Discos will run from 6pm - 7.30pm. Tickets are $5 per student (Dominic students only) and can be purchased via

The Kinder - Year 1 Disco will be held in the Savio Hub and the Year 2 - Year 6 Disco will be held in the Oratory Space.

Water will be provided and a tuckshop selling treats will be available. The College Library will be open for Parents to relax in with refreshments provided. We know that it is short notice but we would really love lots of families and students to come along and have a fun night.

Our next P&F meeting will be held on Wednesday 19 June and all parents are most welcome to come along.

Mrs Nicola Rayner - P&F Community President