
3-4 Sports Day - schools join in the fun

​Students from 4 local catholic schools joined ƵƬ Year 3 and Year 4 students for a day of friendship, participation and good competitive fun as we hosted the Year 3/4 Sports Day.

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Cross Country season!

​The past fortnight has seen the two interschool junior cross country events held at the Rokeby Police Academy. On 8 June the Catholic Primary School Cross Country was held with good numbers from ƵƬ attending on the student-free day, which was great.

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Inaugural Year 3 - Year 10 Cross Country Carnival

​On Friday 25 May a large part of the Dominic community came together for the inaugural 3-10 Cross Country. A day full of fun, cheering, competitiveness and sportsmanship ensued in what can only be seen as a huge success. Having a 3-10 event has been a dream for a long while and it came to successful fruition last Friday.

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3-10 Cross Country carnival

On Friday 25 May we will be holding our inaugural Year 3-10 Cross Country Carnival. Students have been training hard for this in PE and Athletic Development lessons and we hope that they are looking forward to the event and competing for their house. The carnival will be held from 11am onwards, with approximate event times listed below. Students will also be taking part in a range of new novelty events throughout the day.

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Old Scholars Football 2018

​Dominic Old Scholars Association (DOSA) Football has a long history of successful competition and maintaining valuable links and friendships between ƵƬ and past students. The Football Club is renowned for the number of old scholars playing for the Roosters, and is now the only club now playing with the school logo on their jumpers.

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Equestrian Neave

On Sunday 15 April, the 2018 ƵƬ Equestrian Representative, Year 8 student, Neave Schofield, encountered harsh winter weather while representing Dominic at the 2018 Inter Schools Horse Trials.

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7-10 House Athletics Carnival

We watched our brilliant friend, Year 10 student, Samuel Walker compete at the Commonwealth games on Monday night. Then on Tuesday, 10 April, we had our 2018 Athletics Carnival! Everyone had extra motivation from watching one of our own doing so well on the world stage. Well done, Sam!

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7-10 Athletics Carnival information

The ƵƬ Inter-House Athletics Carnival is to be held on Tuesday 10 April at the Domain Athletics Centre. This is a normal school day and an important part of your child’s school life. We encourage full participation and ask for your assistance in promoting this event as a positive way to participate in the life of the College. Students are required to wear full sports uniform to and from the Domain but are encouraged to wear HOUSE COLOURS at the carnival.

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Dominic Old Scholars Association (DOSA) Football 2018

Off the field the club has worked hard on its recruitment and has appointed father/son recruit Jake Briggs as senior coach. Jake is the son of the former DOSA hard-man Anthony Briggs who played 149 games for the Roosters in the 80-90s. Our assistant coaches this year are Caden Wilson, a Dominic old scholar who is a former William Leitch medallist and premiership player in both the TSL and SFL and Michael Fisher who returns to the club after a successful year in the TSL. Michael won both the OSFA and Roosters B&F in 2016.

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Year 3-4 boys cricket opens on the oval

On Monday 19 February, the JSSATIS 3/4 Boys Cricket commenced at Dominic. Twelve teams participate in this fantastic “20-20” style competition from five Independent schools.

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