3-10 Cross Country carnival

On Friday 25 May we will be holding our inaugural Year 3-10 Cross Country Carnival.

Students have been training hard for this in PE and Athletic Development lessons and we hope that they are looking forward to the event and competing for their house.

The carnival will be held from 11am onwards, with approximate event times listed below. Students will also be taking part in a range of new novelty events throughout the day.

We ask that students bring plenty of water and a healthy lunch. It would be fantastic to see as many house colours around the course as possible, so please, dress up and have some fun!

Approximate Race Times:

Year 4 Girls 11.00am
Year 7 Girls 11.10am
Year 4 Boys 11.20am
Year 7 Boys 11.30am
Year 3 Girls 11.40am
Year 8 Girls 11.50pm
Year 3 Boys 12.00pm
Year 8 Boys 12.10pm
Year 3/4 and 5/6 Fun Run 12.20pm
Head to class for lunch 12.30pm
Head back to Oval 1.15pm
Year 5 Girls 1.20pm
Year 10 Girls 1.30pm
Year 5 Boys 1.40pm
Year 10 Boys 1.50pm
Year 6 Girls 2.00pm
Year 9 Girls 2.10pm
Year 6 Boys 2.20pm
Year 9 Boys 2.30pm
Presentations 2.50pm