Year 8 retreat

The Year 8 Retreat was held on Tueday this week. Students were invited to enter into a special time of reflection where they could begin to understand more about recognising the importance of others around us and to see God in each and every person.

Students were encouraged to see where they can work to develop the dignity of the human person and experience the calling of the Holy Spirit to use their own gifts in service to others.

Students participated in year level, small group and individual reflections and activities during the Retreat. The activities were designed to help the students develop an understanding of the importance of social justice and peace work.

All of the activities built on their studies of understanding diversity in the church and in the world as part of the Year 8 curriculum.

Thank you to Ms Kim Tedford for her organisation and facilitation of the day. Thank you to Mr Casni, Ms Gilligan and Fr Peter for their input and to Miss Kiera Farr, Ms Nicole Millikan, Mrs Jessica Palermo, Miss Talia Stopp and Br Barry for their support and involvement on the day.

Mrs Alicia McMahon - Director of Faith & Mission K-10