Year 8 Camp - the boys.

This week Year 8 students have been on camp at Coles Bay/Freycinet Peninsula. Mr Pritchard asked four of our Year 9 student leaders what their highlights and challenges were:

My highlight of the Year 8 Camp at Freycinet National Park was the beautiful scenery. I had a chance to experience nature and wildlife in many ways including sea kayaking, which was an amazing experience. Savio Year 8 boys (the group I was a part of) also were able to hike into Wineglass Bay, where we watched two dolphins gracefully swim around the bay, possums, wallabies and more. The most challenging part of camp for me was finding the mental strength to complete the abseil, which was very high and quite steep. I found this challenging because it was only my second time, and heights are not my best friend. All up camp was a great experience. Billie Green

My highlight of the camp was definitely abseiling. Most people found abseiling a test to conquer their fear of heights but I did not. I loved every second of it. Hearts were pumping and nerves running through most people’s bodies. When it was my time, I buckled up, went through a safety check, then leaned over the edge of a 20m cliff. Most would say it was the scariest and hardest part, which it was. I lowered myself down the cliff, and then was lucky enough to go a second time later.

Everything at camp was also amazing. Snorkelling was cold but we got some amazing views under the sea. Kayaking was tiring but it was a new experience. Going up hundreds of stairs with a pack on my back was challenging but the feeling when we finished was amazing. But the best part were the new friendships, jokes and challenges undertaken with our friends. Emmett McShane-Goldsworthy

My highlight was the snorkelling. I had never been snorkelling in my entire life so it was pretty new to me. Once I entered the water, it was freezing, but once I started swimming around, I started to get warmer. It was a bit foggy in some places but you could still see. I saw a few leatherjackets swimming around and that was pretty cool. Breathing through the snorkel was really weird though.

The night before, we did a Salesian Goodnight, which is where you reflect on the day you had. While we were doing this, I was sitting on a chair and a possum came and looked at me a while, before going under my chair. I thought he was going to jump up and sit on my lap! The most challenging part was kayaking. I kept on rocking about and was surprised I even stayed in the kayak. Lachlan Rowlands

My highlight of the camp was the hike to Hazard’s Beach. I liked the way we all bonded and worked together to make it easier for each of us. I also enjoyed it at the campsite at there. We had set up all our tarps and tents and were cooking dinner when all of a sudden Mr Pritchard jumps up and starts saying ‘Oh look guys, look there is a wombat, I have never seen a wombat in the wild after all the times I have been camping’.

The most challenging part of camp I reckon was the abseiling. When I was trying to get myself over the edge. My foot kept slipping because it was wet (from a puddle). Overall, I thought this camp was really good and had some stunning views and sunsets. Aiden Waller

You can see more photos from our camp on our gallery: Year 8 camp - boys