Year 8 boys camp and Year 8 girls camp

In the second last week of Term 4 Year 8 students travel to Freycinet for a thrre-day camp as part of their EMPOWER Program. The boys travel on the Monday and return Wednesday - the girls begin on the Wednesday and return Friday.

You can see some photos on our gallery: Year 8 Camps and we invited some students to write about their experience.

From 5-7 December Year 8 girls headed off to camp at Honeymoon Bay, Freycinet.

When we arrived at base camp we had lunch and spilt into our House groups. Bosco and Guzman went out on the hike first while Siena and Savio stayed back for snorkelling and abseiling.

Bosco and Guzman spilt up and started their hike, Guzman going to Hazards Beach and Bosco going to Wineglass Bay. Each way was difficult but worthwhile because of the experience brought with it.

When Bosco and Guzman returned from the hike they went snorkelling and abseiling while Savio and Siena went on the hike. Snorkelling and kayaking was such an amazing experience as was abseiling. A lot of us had never done these things before and it was scary to start with but most of us managed to do them and conquer our fears.

When Savio and Siena returned from the hike we had lunch and got on the bus to head home. Overall camp was a great opportunity to see a new place and bond with the people in your house. Thanks to the amazing teachers who made this possible.

Chanel Forster – Year 8 Bosco student

Last week the Year 8 boys went on the Year 8 camp to Freycinet National Park. When we reached base camp we were split into House groups and sent off to complete different activities.

The Savio boys started with our overnight hike to Wineglass Bay. We set off and after about five minutes in we knew it wasn’t going to be easy. When we got to the Wineglass Bay lookout we knew, however, that it was worth it. The next day we walked out from Wineglass Bay and just wanted to get back to base camp.

We cooked Mexican burritos after we hiked and Beef Stir-Fry at Base Camp – which was great, because we had worked up an appetite. When we got back we had lunch and started our other activities this included snorkelling and kayaking. This was a great way to explore and see the park’s beauty from another perspective. Groups also got to abseil at Whitewater Wall, which was challenging, but rewarding.

Thank you to our teachers and organisers, especially the House Coordinators and Mr Blake and Miss O’Neill.

Jacob Tarvydas, Year 8 Savio student,
and Harrison Wells, Year 8 Siena student