Year 7 swimming trials

A reminder that on Tuesday 20 February and Thursday 22 February at 7am at Glenorchy Pool we will be holding tryouts for the Year 7 swimming team. We will be selecting approximately 6 boys and 6 girls to represent the College in the Southern and State SATIS swimming carnivals to be held in March. The tryouts will consist of some structured warm up time, and then several timed-races will be held, depending on the events for which students wish to be considered. Students may try out for as many events as they wish.

We encourage any students who participate in club/squad swimming, those who performed well in primary carnivals, and anyone who believes they are a strong swimmer to come along and try out! The trials will run from 7-8am.

Students are required to make their own way to the pool. A Redline bus will transport students from the pool to Dominic at the conclusion of the session, where breakfast will be provided.

A number of students have already registered their interest in these trials. An information and consent letter is on Parent Paperwork. Any students who are wishing to come along and participate in the tryouts will need to have a parent/guardian complete the online consent form. If you are having any issues with Parent Paperwork or the online consent form, or if you have any questions, please contact me kfarr@dominic.tas.edu.au

Miss Kiera Farr, Acting 7-10 Sports Coordinator