Year 7 Bible Liturgy

On Friday 15 February, Year 7 students were presented with their bibles from ƵƬ in a special Bible Liturgy.

Year 7 students entered the ƵƬ Chapel for the first time as a year level , with respect and anticipation. Their reverence in the Chapel and their attentive behavior throughout the Liturgy was commented on by all the staff present and was greatly appreciated by Fr Peter, who began by explaining that the Bible is actually a rich library of books where we can find many stories with countless messages and meanings.

Staff shared their own stories about the bibles they had been given and have treasured. Ms Gilligan showed everyone the notes and special messages she had kept in her bible for many years. Mr Casni shared the bible he had studied with, explaining that he underlined and wrote notes in it as part of his study.

Br Barry told of his collection of bibles, Fr Damien explained how important his bible had been to him in times of difficulty and Mrs Kinne shared her favourite psalm, #139, which tells us that we are “wonderfully made.”

A special mention must be made of the students who volunteered to read, pray and participate in the Liturgy. Emily Jones, Paige Thomas, Arielle Buchanan, Sofia Nube, Emily Heddle, Louise Deacon and Oscar Cusick all read clearly and with confidence.

These students represented their Year 7 peers with great poise and maturity and are to be commended for taking on leading roles so early in the year! Well done to all of them!

The Year 7 Bible Liturgy was a wonderful experience and we hope and pray that their new bibles will bring all of the Year 7s many great gifts. You can see more photos on our gallery: Year 7 Bible Liturgy.

Mrs Kim Tedford – Religious Education Coordinator 7-10