Year 7 2019 Orientation

Year 7 Orientation Day

On 14 November, the whole Year 9 cohort were involved in the Year 7 orientations for next year.

The day consisted of multiple activities in which our Year 9 students worked with the new Year 7 students including: a pastoral group session, a tour of the school, an amazing race and a shared lunch.

Every year 9 was happy to help introduce the new students to our College and make sure they felt at home here. We were assigned one or two buddies from our homeroom, who then we helped settle in.

This was a great way to give the students an idea of how each homeroom is a family.

It was also good for one-on-ones to help teach how to read the timetables, how our locker system works and go over some of the school rules.

After this new students had some class sessions including: photography and an Empower lesson with the House Coordinators.

Year 9s led a couple of tours from the Savio corridors to the Savio Centre and back. Then we all enjoyed an Amazing Race. Each new student, along with their older buddy, had to search the school looking for different letters in locations described in a riddle. Once all letters were found, the pairs had to de-code the message to win a prize.

We refueled with a good old barbeque lunch. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say the snags were amazing. After spending lunch with our buddies, they again, joined in House groups to complete their sessions and it was time to say goodbye.

We all had fun and made sure got to know the school a bit better, so that when they come on the first day next year, they will settle in nicely.

Tom Atkinson - 2019 College Vice Captain