Year 7-10 assembly 16 March

Our regular Year 7-10 assembly was conducted by Mr Davey and Year 10 leaders, although captains and many leaders were away representing the College at the SSATIS swimming carnival.

Sona Sojan presented to the assembly on Harmony Day, and our Mission Captains on Project Compassion. Chloe Wells talked about the SYDC group, and new members received their badges from Mrs O'Hea. SYDC Coordinator Lisa McConnon also congratulated them and invited new members to join in.

Year 7 students Peter Swan and Maddison Cockerill talked about the Year 7 camp, and the variety of challenging activities they enjoyed. Year 9 students, Connor Murray and Julia Narracott, presented on their experience of the Rite Journey's first major landmark of the year, The Calling.

Mr Pritchard reminded students of the importance of ANZAC Day and the community rituals associated with the occasion and reminded students that ANZAC Day this year fell on the last day of the upcoming school holidays. Studnets and families should thus start to prepare for when and where they would be attending ceremonies. He urged them to represent the school if possible at these important public events.

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