Year 6 Say It Loud

Year 6 Say It Loud

It's an exciting time for Year 5 and 6 Drama in Term 2.

A sequential programme is being implemented to develop skills and experience in one of the most challenging and rewarding areas of the course: process drama.

The main focus is upon establishing techniques and skills in Year 5, and then to take the next step in Year 6, who will further refine and consolidate the process by adding presentational elements to produce a performance for the school community.

This is a template which we hope will become an established educational experience where students develop, produce and devise meaningful drama experiences.
The form they are exploring is documentary drama.Documentary drama is theatre that explores pre-existing documentary material (such as newspapers, government reports, interviews, etc.) as source material to develop into a script that remains faithful to original material.

Both Year 6 classes are working in class time to devise, write and perform their pieces. Year 6M are producing a play about the effects of bullying whilst Year 6C are dealing with the struggles of growing up and making informed decisions about life and career.
We are pleased to announce there will be two public performances.

Each performer will be offered two tickets to either performance for their family. The performances will be presented in the Oratory Space on Monday 29 June at 11.45am and 6.30pm.

Details on how to book tickets will be sent home with performers shortly. We appreciate your support and can't wait to share our hard work with you.
Miss Jessica Brownrigg Drama Teacher