Year 3-6 Drama workshops

Act II: The Drama keeps on coming

On Wednesday 16 May, our 3-6 Drama Workshops started up again for 2018.

It was great to see some old faces and some new ones as well!

The group converges every week on Wednesdays, working to build their confidence, hone dramatic skills and to have fun being creative. Sessions include warm-ups, skills building and performance ‘challenges’. Each student brings their own energy and it is wonderful to see the collaboration between year levels.

This week we began with some warm-ups of ‘Slowmotion Colours’ to refocus our energy; ‘Pass the Face’ for concentration and body sense; and ‘Kooky Traffic Lights’ for listening and responding, before working on creating mini-plays based around the idea of ‘The Mysterious Surprise’.

Adding in special character traits to each person increased the challenge.

A few of the traits they had to include were, for example, some students were only allowed one word to say and others were emotional rollercoasters.

The session was rounded off with some improvisation.

We hope to start working towards some performance pieces so others can share in the group’s creative expression.

Mrs Samantha Healy - Drama Teacher