Year 3-6 Athletics Carnival - a great day in tough weather!

On Thursday 19 October the 3-6 Athletics Carnival was held at Dominic in testing conditions of wind, rain and sunshine which can be described as a typical Tasmanian day.

The normal running of the day was impossible due to early heavy falling of rain so events were postponed and then students marshalled from classrooms over the school PA system.

This did not dull the athletes’ endeavours with all students giving their absolute best in the trying conditions.

With sportsmanship being a goal in Kindergarten-Year 6 in Term 4 it was pleasing to see that Dominic students are definitely “good sports” and support each other very well and very frequently in all of the events.

When the rain cleared prior to lunch we knew that the afternoon session could go ahead so students ventured out into sunshine to run the 100m and relay events.

The atmosphere was electric and students and the music playlist were both nice and loud for what turned out to be a brilliant afternoon for all involved.

Thanks to all of the parents, staff and members of the Dominic community who made the day a success. We are all truly blessed to be part of this wonderful Dominic community.

Well done to Savio House and their captains for the day Andrea Escobar and Solomon Kidane and House teachers Mrs McGee and Miss Graham on their win. Final placings:

Savio 1st; Guzman 2nd; Siena 3rd; Bosco 4th

Congratulations to everyone on your efforts on Thursday.

You can see more photos on our gallery: Year 3-6 athletics

Mr Cameron Golding - Sport Coordinator K-6