Year 3-6 Athletics Carnival

On Thursday 18 October, our Year 3-6 Athletics carnival was held at the College.

The weather looked terrible during set up for the day but once the students arrived the day cleared and we were able to push through without too many issues.

The day was a huge success with students loving participating in their numerous events and cheering on their team mates and peers. The wonderful and welcoming Dominic community spirit was well and truly on show with our students, staff, parents and friends enjoying a very inclusive and memorable day.

The score board was up and down all day and very close at times but Savio took the lead early in the day and were never headed ,coming away with a 53 point win.

Congratulations to Savio House Captain Chloe Howells and her assisting Year 6 cohort and their House teachers and students. The final placings were Savio (1st), Guzman (2nd), Bosco (3rd) and Siena (4th). Thanks to all of the wonderful supporters who assisted in the many roles and made the day a success.

See more photos on our gallery: 3-6 Athletics Carnival.

Mr Cameron Golding - Sport Coordinator K-6