Year 10 Marine Camp

On Tuesday 26 June Year 10 students from the Animal Husbandry & Marine Science elective went on a comprehensive four-day camp program week incorporating marine and foreshore ecology, physical oceanography and climate modelling held at the Woodbridge Marine Discovery Centre, Woodbridge.

Students looked at the features and adaptations of marine organisms and human impacts on the marine environments and the range of aquaculture techniques used for different species in Tasmania, with a focus on the d’Entrecasteaux Channel.

Students studied and completed a research investigation after collecting and analysing data. Students went out on the Penghana (the boat) every day to research and collect data.

On Friday we also had the chance to go fishing and many students and staff caught flathead and then released them back into the channel.

Students and staff stayed at the West Winds Community Centre and this was a great opportunity for staff and students to complete their research and studying for exams in the evenings.

It was a wonderful experience and it introduced our students to the techniques scientists use to monitor the marine environment and assess possible impacts.

Students had a real life learning experience and an opportunity to see and study in an environment very new to them. Thank you to everyone who came on camp. I personally really enjoyed the four days with our students.

Ms Jane Myers - Director of Science K-10