What is the DUCK Club?

On Tuesday 28 July, a new lunchtime music program was launched for students in Years 3 and 4, where they have the opportunity to try something new and learn to play an instrument, all while having fun with music.

The Dominic Ukulele Cool Kids (DUCK) Club is led by a team comprising of Miss Frances White and Mrs Jane Kilpatrick, and after only two sessions together the DUCKs have mastered the C chord and can confidently sing “Kookaburra Sits in The Old Gum Tree” while accompanying themselves on their ukulele at the same time!

Here’s what some of our DUCKs have said about being in the club so far...

I like that you can play different chords and music with the ukulele. Joseph Gillie
It’s fun, and it makes learning the guitar easier. Marina Cook
I really like the way the teachers teach it and also the way it sounds! Briana Shaji
I’ve had a ukulele at home for years but I didn’t know how to play, so I thought this was a good chance to try it. Bradley Roberts
Ukulele is awesome! I just can’t stop practising and I hope I get really good at it. Elliot Skinner
From top: Agnes Nyirahabimana, Marina Cook, Joseph Gillie and Briana Shaji enjoying the tune.

New DUCKs are more than welcome to join our musical flock and need not have any ukulele experience, nor any instrumental abilities beyond their weekly classroom Music lessons at school.

For more information about the DUCK Club, please email queries to fwhite@dominic.tas.edu.au