Wash House Blues

On Wednesday last week there was an open workshop for family and friends of our Year 3-6 Co-curricular Drama participants. This group have met every Wednesday afternoon this semester and have made solid progress in developing their skills as collaborators and communicators.

The group engage with the processes of drama and the emphasis is upon creation, participation and expression.

The session was held in The Oratory Space and the attendees were invited to play the role of audience and engaged with the work in progress which was presented by our enthusiastic drama group. The stimulus for the workshop was ‘The Wash House Blues’ – a short dramatic exploration of an urban setting, a laundromat.

Students developed their directorial eye and understanding of the elements of drama as they presented their reflections and interpretations of the material developed and filtered through own improvisations and inspiration.

Scenes, snippets and vignettes allowed students the opportunity to take the next step in learning about the process of drama development and dealing with the input of an audience.

The workshop has been a great opportunity for students to build confidence and explore the concepts of performance in a safe and supportive setting.

Mr Mike O’Brien - Director of Creative Arts K-10