Important traffic management changes

There will be significant changes to the College’s traffic management for the start of the school term to accommodate the work site of the Creative Arts Building Project.

The main changes to be aware of are:

  • The gravel carpark will be a car-free zone from the start of Term 1. This space will no longer be available for parking.
  • Parking in the K-6 carpark will be accessed by driving up and around the White House for both morning drop-off and afternoon pick-ups.
  • Parents will be able to use both the former bus-parking outside the White House and the carpark in front of the Oratory Space throughout the whole day.

Please refer to the below map for additional information (click on the map for larger version).

Staff will also be on hand to assist with traffic flow during the first couple of weeks of Term 1. Please follow staff instructions and, if unsure, stop and ask for assistance.

If you have any questions or major concerns then do not hesitate to contact College Administration for assistance.

Thank you for your support and patience during the construction of our new Creative Arts Centre.

Dylan Chivers - Chief Financial and Operations Officer