Traffic advice

As most parents would be aware there has been an increase in the number of cars coming into the school particularly around drop off and pick up times.

Whilst there is always going to be a level of congestion during these peak periods, there are some things that all drivers can do to help improve the flow of traffic in and around the College.

Firstly, try arriving at school as class finishes, or just after. This works particularly well with the 7-10 students as most of the K-6 traffic has cleared by this time.

We also ask that if you are driving on site at ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ»ÆƬ that you always abide by the following:

  • Do not drive on the wrong side of the road, or overtake in the driveway.
  • Do not queue in the driveway waiting to enter pick up zone. This is the number one cause of build-up in traffic on the school driveway and can easily be avoided by parking in the carpark, or by looping around Grantleigh.
  • Do not wait near Fra Angelico to allow a car to reverse out of an angle park - if there are empty spaces further down the driveway drive down and take that space.
  • Do not park or drop students in areas where it is not safe to do so, or is likely to cause congestion.
  • Do not leave your vehicle unattended in the driveway.

The College is in the process of making significant changes to the driveway and parking arrangements, which will see major improvements to parking and traffic management, but in the meantime we ask that all drivers are conscious of other vehicles and pedestrians whilst at the College and show patience during peak times.

As always, constructive feedback is always welcomed so please do not hesitate to contact Cameron Berry cberry@dominic.tas.edu.au if you would like to further discuss the current traffic management issues.

Mr Cameron Berry - Compliance & Resources Manager