The Calling - part of The Rite Journey for Year 9

On Thursday 25 February Year 9 students attended “The Calling”, as part of their EMPOWER course, The Rite Journey.

The Rite Journey is a unique educational program designed to support the development and transition of our students from children into self-aware, vital, responsible, respectful and resilient adults.

Both girl and boy groups participated in some challenges and reflective exercises while participating in guided workshops throughout the night. They also shared a meal together and watched a movie.

After spending the night at school, students and teachers arose at 4.45am and travelled by bus to either the top of the mountain (boys) or Cornelian Bay (girls).

There they watched in silence the sun rising, while giving silent thanks and gratitude to everyone who has helped them get to this spot.

The boys threw a rock off the top of the mountain and the girls released a banana leaf boat they had created (symbolically letting go of something they felt was holding them back).

After a quick breakfast students had their first group challenge, walking back to school.

The Calling was a powerful and memorable experience for all involved.
Mr Andrew Pritchard, Director of Pastoral Care K-10