The Buddy Experience

Year 1B (1 nimina) recently spent quality time with their Buddy class, Year 4A. The Buddy experience provides a valuable time for both older and younger students to connect and share their understandings.

Together these Buddy classes have enjoyed hearty conversation, good humor, and have shared an opportunity to form wonderful friendships. National Simultaneous Storytime presented a great opportunity to connect over the joy of reading. After enjoying this year’s story, Give Me Some Space by Philip Bunting, students were asked to work together to create their impression of an astronaut by following a simple design. It certainly was wonderful to see the unique characters come to life, with no two astronauts looking the same.

Earlier in the year we also shared opportunities to explore leading figures in our life. We posed the question ‘How can we live like Jesus?’. Students were invited to discuss, draw, and write about this overarching question – suggestions included ‘We can be loving’, ‘We can be supportive’ and ‘I can do more things to help my parents’. This presented a wonderful opportunity to reflect together on ways we can walk in the footsteps of Jesus.

Mrs Louise Zegveld - Year 1B Teacher