The biggest school Boot Camp session ever.

Over 500 students from Year 7 to 10, plus staff from all parts of the College and a group of Military Mumma personal trainers, combined in the Savio Centre for what must be Tasmania's biggest school indoor Boot Camp session ever today.

Music, action, a series of tough exercise routines and a barrage of verbal encouragement - and commands - from star fitness gurus Kirri and Troy from Military Mumma had the gym quaking.

Kirri Brazendale, the Military Mumma herself, said the students were awesome, and her view from up on the stage in front of 500 people was the best.

'Inspiring and helping students make healthy choices now at the right stage of their lives is what we love to do,' Kirri said.

Kirri's fitness team leader, Troy, agreed. 'I didn't start fit. I was overweight and was making poor choices for my nutrition and neglecting healthy exercise. But you can change, with the right inspiration.'

Students enjoyed today's special occasion - you can see photos on our gallery here: .

Director of HPE, Mr Golding, is excited about the new HPE program in 7-10 which will see MM trainers regularly participating in elective HPE subjects, and working with students in a variety of techniques in expert tutorials.

'Physical Education,' quotes Mr Davey, 'is the most effective means of providing all children and youth with the skills, attitudes, values, knowledge and understanding for lifelong participation in society.'