Taylah's Speedway success

My family shares my love of Speedway

Speedway is a sport where you race on dirt and you are in a car that has a roll cage in it.

You also wear a helmet, fireproof gear and neck brace. There are different types of cars you can race. I race a Datsun Sunny. I have only just started racing this season, and have been driving in my paddock since I was 8 or 9 years old with my two older brothers and my parents.

I was awarded a trophy on 13 October 2018 at Cranes Combined Carrick Speedway. In my first heat I placed 1st, in my second heat, 2nd and in the finale, in a fight with two other drivers, raced for first place. With two laps to go I took the lead and won the race!

I race in Junior sedans, where I race against Abbi Smith in the new stars (slower drivers), and up in the tops stars (faster drivers) in which Cody Gay races.

Not only is it fun racing but also when we travel up and back to Carrick and Latrobe we have a lot of laughs and we stop every now and again, just so the adults can have a coffee and a break from driving. We have made a lot of memories with being at the track and travelling.

We make sure our friends and family cars are good as well and we are always helping each other to get onto the track and always helping each other to get into the cars.

In my family, my Mum races and has raced for 6-7 years. My two brothers race and they have been for 5-6 years. My dad used to race until he had a massive roll over at Lismore in the 2006/2007 season.

My family come to every race meeting to support my mum, my two brothers and myself.

We race at the following tracks: Latrobe Speedway, Carrick Speedway (just out of Launceston) and at Hobart Speedway (Sorell Creek, New Norfolk). My race car is pictured here.

Taylah Jetson - Year 7 student