Taswater talks to Year 2 students

Educator, Ms Kate Beard, came in to talk to our Year 2 students on Monday 16 May, as part of Taswater's corporate community education goals.

Kate explained Taswater was responsible for managing the collection, treatment and distribution of water used in our homes. Students were able to recall many important ways we use water, especially for such vital things as drinking, cooking, washing and showering. Kate talked of the "ations' of the water cycle, evaporation from our oceans, transpiration from plants, condensation of water vapour in clouds to fall as precipiation.and collect in our rivers and dams.

The water in the rivers can be safe to drink, if necessary, when it falls, but as the water hourneys through the river system, it collects chemicals and germs and physical rubbish. Kate and the students acted out this by adding various jars of unpleasant extras, such as fertiliser run-off from farms, animal droppings washed into the river banks, rubbish carelessly disposed and chemicals washed by rain into the creeks.

The water taken from the rivers is treated by Taswater to remove impurities, remove as much fine particles as possible, is disinfected by the addition of chlorine and flouride, and treated to make our water as tasteless, colourless and germfree as possible.

The students asked many tough questions, and enjoyed the lesson from Kate. Taswater employs many scientists, and Kate looks forward to seeing some of our students helping Taswater one day in their laboratories and engineering works.