Taco Tuesday

Captains Corner: Taco Tuesday

On Tuesday 19 March, the College Captains ran a new fundraiser called “Taco Tuesday,” for 7-10 students.

This was a perfect event to raise money for our current mission focus Project Compassion. Project Compassion is run by Caritas and is aimed at helping those who are less privileged, to have brighter futures. As a Salesian school we fundraise for Project Compassion in Term 1 every year.

Well done to James Stansbie (College Vice Captain) for organising such a great idea for a fundraiser and a thank you to all the students who kindly bought tacos and supported the event, making it very successful.

I would like to give a big thank you to Ms Gysen’s Food Studies class for cooking and preparing all the food, to Mrs Baker for ordering plenty of food and to Bayley Downham for generously donating all the tomatoes.

Also to Mrs Davey and Mrs McMahon for lending a helping hand with serving the students when business was booming.

We hope that students can now support our other fundraiser, Hot Cross Buns. A reminder that orders are today, Friday 23 March.

Ashley Cano Calderon - College Vice Captain