Students return from Japan invigorated

Our Japanese travellers returned safe and well from their cultural immersion. Japan is a beautiful country and students enjoyed experiences in Japanese education, culture, history and food.

Highlights included some important and impressive ancient temples and the moving and complex sites remembering the dropping of the atom bomb on Hiroshima. One of the best things about travelling overseas is the experience of a different society, especially dealing with a different language.

Our group visited Osaki High School in Tokyo, where they could interact with students and experience classes in a different culture. The school is supported on giant rubber pillars and metal springs to protect it from earthquakes! Students attended a variety of classes, and after-school clubs.

Another highlight was the special tea ceremony in which we participated, but we enjoyed such a variety of food, immaculately prepared and always interesting, even if we were not sure exactly what we were eating!

You can read all about the trip on our blog here: .

And the photos from the blog are collected here: .