
Kitean's Pink Stumps Day

​Kitean Aitken (Year 6 Vice Captain) plays for the Lindisfarne Junior Cricket Club (Under 13) and they made their competition’s Grand Final, played on Sunday 5 March at Lindisfarne. The Sunday prior, Kitean explained he wanted to have a Pink Stumps game to fundraise some money for Cancer support. His main motivation was to show his support of our Principal, Ms Gilligan, although

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Year 3-6 swimming carnival won by sharks

​The Savio sharks took out the Year 3-6 House Swimming Carnival trophy but with such spirit and competition everyone's a winner. On Thursday, Year 3-6 were in fantastic spirits as they participated in the 2017 Swimming Carnival at the Clarence Pool.

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DOSA Football getting ready

With six weeks left to the start of the Old Scholars Football season, the team is looking good. We have had over 55 participants at training and the team has been working hard on their fitness and game style. DOSA have picked up new Assistant Coaches Jake Briggs and Gareth Delaney from Statewide team Hobart City. Their experience and skill set

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Leaders for 2017 inaugurated

On Thursday we officially inducted our 2017 College student leaders, in a beautiful ceremony in the Savio Centre. Students received blessed badges and ties, were presented to the College community and recited their act of dedication together. We are very proud of all of them and are sure they will lead our College with pride in 2017. Congratulations to them all.

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Congratulations to Daniel Warwarek, Australian champion.

Year 10 student, Daniel Warwarek missed his graduation ceremony, but he has an excuse. Daniel was in Cairns competing in the Australian National Amateur Boxing Championships, representing Tasmania, under the auspices of the Claremont Boxing Club.

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Year 7-10 House Swimming Carnival 2016

Huge congratulations to all who participated in the 7-10 swimming carnival, held on Tuesday 8 November at the Hobart Aquatic Centre, either through competing in the events, or helping out with time-keeping and judging roles on the day. The carnival ran smoothly thanks to the combined efforts of the staff on the day – thank you! We will be selecting our 2017 SS

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K-2 athletics carnival 2016

​How much fun was that! On Wednesday we held the rescheduled K-2 Athletics Carnival at Dominic in what was fantastic atmosphere. The parents and friends of the Dominic Community were out in full force on the day with what, at times, looked like the “paparazzi” on the finish line with so many parents and supporters taking photos. Congratulations t

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DOSA Football Best & Fairest 2016

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Assembly celebrates determination, contribution and success

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3-6 & K-2 Athletics Carnivals postponed

We have now rescheduled K-2 and Year 3-6 Athletics as follows: * 3-6 Athletics Carnival Tuesday 18 October from 11.00am - 3.00pm * K-2 Athletics Carnival Wednesday 2 November from 10.00am - 12.55pm

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