School Fees

Further to the information emailed to all current and future families recently, we would like to remind parents and guardians of the fee arrangements for next year.

2017 Fees

The 2017 Fee Schedule, detailing the fees that will apply next year, is available from the College Website or from the Business Office.

2017 TCEC discount

Families with three or more children in any Tasmanian Catholic School are eligible for a fee discount. Families who wish to claim this discount but have not returned their TCEC discount form, are reminded to do so as soon as possible. Failure to return the form will result in full fees being charged.

2017 Fee payment arrangements

Fee Discount

A 2.5% fee discount is available to families who pay their 2017 fees in full by 21 February 2017. The discount will be applied to your fee account after this date.

Direct Debit/Credit Card Payments

  • If you have a direct debit or credit card authority currently in place with the College, and you wish to continue using this payment method for your 2017 fees, you do not need to do anything. The College will simply adjust your payments in line with the 2017 Fee Schedule and your nominated payment frequency.
  • If you would like to commence direct debit or credit card payments next year or need to advise us of changes to your existing authority (e.g. bank account, credit card, payment frequency, payment method) you must complete a ‘Payment Arrangement and Direct Debit Request’ and return it without delay.
  • If you would like to stop paying by direct debit or credit card next year, you must advise us in writing by emailing fees@dominic.tas.edu.au.
  • Direct debit and credit card payments are deducted on the 1st or 15th of the month, or both, depending on the payment option you have chosen.


If you have a Centrepay (Centrelink) authority currently in place with the College, and you wish to continue using this payment method for your 2017 fees, you must complete a new Centrepay authority and return it without delay. If we do not receive your Centrepay authority in time to make the first payment in January 2017, your payments will need to be increased to ensure your fees are paid in full by December 2017.

If you would like to stop using Centrepay next year, you must advise us in writing as soon as possible by emailing fees@dominic.tas.edu.au.


If you wish to self-manage your fee payments using BPAY, BPOINT, EFTPOS, EFT, Cash or Cheque, you do not need to do anything. You will receive 10 monthly fee statements from February to November, with payments due on the 21st of the month.

Fee statements

Fee statements are issued on the first of the month (or next business day) in accordance with your nominated payment frequency. Fees are due on the 21st of the month in which statements are issued. We would like to remind families of the following:

  • Fee statements are emailed (not posted).
  • If you do not have an email address, your statement can be collected from the Business Office.
  • Parents and guardians are responsible for ensuring the email address we have on record is correct. If you wish to update your email address, please contact the Business Office.
  • It is important your mailbox is cleared regularly and that there is sufficient space to receive new mail.
  • If you do not receive your fee statement, it is your responsibility to contact the Business Office, as fees remain due and payable in accordance with our General Terms and Conditions.

General terms and conditions

We have made some changes to our General Terms and Conditions which will come into effect on 1 January 2017. A copy of the new General Terms and Conditions is available from the College Website or from the Business Office.

We encourage all families to read this document for detailed information regarding our fees and charges, conditions of enrolment and other obligations.

Mr Dylan Chivers - Business Manager