Say It Loud 2016 coming soon

Both Year 6 classes have been working on their play project, SAY IT LOUD. In this Drama extension opportunity, students devise, script, refine and perform an original piece of process drama.

Year 6 Moulton have created a play entitled The Mountain. Year 6 Cunningham’s piece is entitled, The River. Both plays have a central theme about growing up beside two iconic Tasmanian landmarks, Mount Wellington, and the Derwent River.

Performing a polished piece of original theatre gives great confidence to students and also allows them to bring the project to fruition and consolidate their learning by presenting a performance for an audience in the College performing arts venue, The Oratory Space.


There will be an evening performance on Tuesday 28 June, commencing at 6.00pm. Due to limited seating in The Oratory, each student will be able to book 2 seats for the performances. These must be booked on the school website. Only tickets holders will be admitted to the performance. Book now to secure your tickets:

GENERAL INFORMATION for families and cast

Performance: 6pm Tuesday 28 June – in the Oratory Space.
Performers call. All cast must be in the Oratory Space, in costume by 5.30pm
Coffee and Tea will be available in the Anzac Buffet (opposite the Oratory Space) from 5.15pm
Performance will conclude at approximately 7pm.

If you have any questions or need additional information please do not hesitate to contact me via the school phone or email at jbrownrigg@dominic.tas.edu.au

Jessica Brownrigg, Drama Teacher