Sabres stars visit Dominic

ƵƬ students had a unique basketball training session, when 16 of the best underage girls from the Sandringham Sabres Basketball Club visited the College for an elite level clinic.

The Sandringham Sabres are a hugely successful basketball club from Victoria, comprising over 60 teams, from Juniors to SEABL men’s and women’s teams who compete against the Hobart Chargers and Hobart Lady Chargers.

The Sabres’ trip involved training sessions at Hobart venues including Kingborough Stadium and a special visit to ƵƬ after Easter, for training, tutorials and some practice matches.

Director of HPE K-10 at ƵƬ, Mr Cameron Golding, together with teachers Mr Aaron Davey and Miss Nicole Millikan, selected 17 Dominic girls to participate in this special training clinic. The clinic was run by Mr Bill Runchey, Head Coach of the Sabres Junior progam and Mr Nathan Crosswell, Sabres SEABL men’s Captain Nathan Crosswell, who has played over 300 NBL/SEABL matches in his career.

Mr Golding, said the girls thrived on the elite coaching and competition opportunity they received. After the professional clinic, the Dominic and Sabres girls were split into four teams playing two matches.

“The Dominic girls not only held their own but at times took it up to the Sabres girls in the very competitive mixed team matches,” he said.

The climax was ƵƬ and the Sabres strongest teams head to head in a one off, All Stars 10-minute quarter.

“This was a fantastic sight in our Savio Centre, with both teams moving the ball fast and showing excellent offense and defence,” said Mr Golding. “The Sabres Girls came out on top in the All Star Quarter but the Dominic girls held their own and challenged.”

ƵƬ basketball coaches also enjoyed the learning experience of working with a professional set of senior and junior coaches from the Sabres.

Principal of ƵƬ, Ms Beth Gilligan said that the HPE Faculty at Dominic are an outstanding team of teachers who network exceptionally well to bring enrichment opportunities such as the Sabres visit to students at the College.

“The clinic and competitive matches with the Sabres are an example of teacher and student commitment to excellence. Everyone involved had a great time – the Sabres will be warmly welcome back, anytime.”