Relay For Life 2019, thank you

We have all felt huge pride in our students in Years 5-10 and our staff who formed the 2019 Dominic Relay for Life Team.

They gathered for 20 hours overnight last Saturday to honour our donors’ $30,000 plus commitment to the outstanding work of the Cancer Council and walk hundreds of laps at the Domain for the cause.

The 2019 ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ»ÆƬ Relay for Life Team was established by our inspiring College Captains, Maddison Cockerill and Lachlan Rowlands, and led by the indomitable Mr Aaron Davey, our amazing 7-10 Coordinator of Pastoral Care.

Together Maddy, Lachlan and Mr Davey harnessed the energy of our students and staff to be a genuine team, supporting each other and focused on making a difference with our combined energy and resources. ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ»ÆƬ has never before raised such a large amount of money for a charitable cause. Thank you to all in our community who gave generously to our efforts to support this cause. It is with great pride that we participated in this change-making event.

Beth Gilligan - ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ»ÆƬ Principal

It was wonderful to see so many members of our community gathered together for a great cause and to walk together in the hope that one day medical researchers will find a cure for cancer. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for the generosity you have shown and for your contribution in helping students raise over $30,000 in the fight against cancer.

I was so proud of all the students who attended and joined in the activities throughout the day and evening. The Luminary Ceremony was a powerful time for us all to reflect on and remember those who have lost their fight to cancer and to hope for a cure for those who are battling the illness. Our students did us proud showing respect during the ceremony, which then led to students and staff talking to one another about their stories about loved ones who have had or are facing cancer at the moment. It made us all aware that cancer can impact on anyone and that we must all continue to pray and have hope that one day a cure will be found.

Well done to all who were involved in the event, and special thanks to our student leaders who worked tirelessly in the lead up to the event to raise funds above the target goal and who showed true leadership at the event by motivating everyone there to participate in the events.

My gratitude also goes to Mr Aaron Davey, Coordinator of Pastoral Care 7-10, (pictured right with daughter Sienna) who was instrumental in preparing, organising and motivating everyone in our community to get involved, and to the staff and parents who were able to take part as well. Congratulations ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ»ÆƬ!

Mr Stephen Casni - Deputy Principal

This year, we set a target that might have originally seemed ambitious, but in the end underestimated what this community is capable of achieving together. Our final total was $30,623 which is absolutely amazing! The Students Leaders and Pastoral Care Team, supported by Ms Gilligan and Mr Casni were instrumental in making this community event memorable.

In the end over 200 students registered for this event from Years 5-10 and 40 staff. Special staff mentions must go to Ms Gilligan for being the highest individual fundraiser in Southern Tasmania. Thank you to Br Barry for being there the whole time and taking many amazing photos, Mr Casni, Ms Baker, Mrs Lowe for staying the whole time and our amazing overnight staff: Ms Myers, Mr Harris, Mr Lapolla, Mr Parkin, Miss Farr, Mr Pritchard and Ms Olejniczak. Finally to the unbelievable Mrs Davey who did copious amounts of work leading up to and on the day. Thanks to all the other staff who gave up their time for this cause.

The Year 10 Leaders led by example, specifically our College Captains, Maddie, Lachie, Ella and Tom. The 2019 Leaders have been absolutely exceptional in their dedication, commitment and effort. They raised about $4000 through the Pizza, Icy-Pole, Free Dress and Raffle fundraisers leading into the event.

Special congratulations to the following students who individually fundraised over $200: Cassie McLoughlin, Ella Freeman, Ella-Dawn Holden, Grace Woolford, Harrison LeLievre, Harry Johnston, Heidi McPherson, Izsabella Zielinski, John Bracken, Lily Bowerman, Maddi Cockerill, and Hawi Bowerman.

On the day, many students absolutely smashed their step goal, but special mentions go to Montanna Walker, Daniel Watkins-Reynolds, Ryan Browning and Ms Olejniczak who individually all completed over a marathon (42+ km) of walking and running.

To achieve a goal of over $30,000 we needed to have lots of people, businesses and members of our community with deep pockets. Some specific mentions go to; Fairbrother Foundation, Network Gaming and The Shoreline Hotel. The other donations are so amazing, we could list them endlessly.

Final thanks also to Mr Steve Old from the Tasmanian Hospitality Association who paid for 100 pizzas for our students on the Saturday night.

These interactions and effort from all members of our community is what really makes Dominic the amazing place it is. Many of our students and families are deeply affected by Cancer. Allowing them to be vulnerable, but safe and share their stories or hug with a friend or staff member, allows them to know we really do celebrate and empathise together. This is where true relationships that remain outside the classroom consolidate and last forever.

You can see more photos from the Relay for Life on our website gallery: RFL 2019

Thank you to everyone who supported this cause. Thank you to the students for being genuinely good citizens and looking beyond themselves. Thanks to those affected by cancer who fight this terrible disease and to everyone in their families who support them when they need it most.

Hope lives here and Hope lives at ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ»ÆƬ.

Mr Aaron Davey - Coordinator of Pastoral Care 7-10