Raw challenge!

Last week Year 9/10 elective Athletic Development and Adventure Recreation students undertook the Raw Challenge.

We headed to Baskerville Raceway, changed into some old clothes and were introduced to the Raw Challenge instructors who talked us through the course, the safety procedures and elements of tecnique. After some warm ups we started the challenge.

As well as the enjoyment of the physical challenges, of water, mud, inclines, tunnels, exhaustion and problem-solving, there were lots of jokes and friendly banter throughout the day.

We all had a memorable time, full of smiles and laughter.

A special stand out was the team work and encouragement.

Everyone had a go. A couple of students struggled but didn’t give up, kept going and tried harder. People got even more muddier and gave even more smiles.

Thanks to Mr Mackie and the Ath Dev teachers for organising these excursions.

Memories that will last forever were made and it certainly challenged us, physically and mentally.

Connor Brown, Year 9 student