Prayer for the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Harassment

Friday 17 is the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Harassment.

We would like all our students, staff and everyone in our community to think about how they can help do the right thing, in their daily lives.

Dear Lord,
Please guide us to be better friends, classmates, role models and supporters of each other.
In a competitive world, influenced by mental health, social media, academic pressures and social inclusion, help us to focus on the things that really matter like our family and friends.
Help us show compassion to one another, resist the urge to compare and gossip and make the effort to positively influence the lives of everyone around us.
Guide us to be better listeners, to speak up when we see injustice and support those in need.
Motivate everyone in the Dominic Family to Make Dominic the Most Amazing Place it can be.
St John Bosco
Pray for Us.