Pastoral care: being a good sport

This term in Prep–6 we are focusing on ‘Being a Good Sport', and this was talked about in our K-6 assembly on Wednesday afternoon.

Part of this is recognising students who display the qualities of being a good sport whilst out in the playground. We want to recognise and congratulate students who are:

  • Playing Fair
  • Playing by the rules
  • Encouraging others
  • Helping others
  • Respecting decisions
  • Being positive
  • Being inclusive

As part of this we will have some student and staff monitors who will be spotting those students who are being a good sport. Those students who are ‘Caught being a good sport’ will receive a token that has two parts; one section goes into their diary, the other goes into an envelope or small box in their classroom and a prize draw will take place later in the term.

This is a great opportunity for students to support their peers in play and to demonstrate leadership skills.

We hope to give out LOTS of good sport tokens and encourage students to be Good Sports in all areas of play.

Also this week we began the transition of our Year 2 students to the oval at recess and lunch time. The students were very excited to be able to cross to the bigger space and use the swings, climbing frame and large grass area.

Mrs Olivia Stephen - Co-coordinator of Pastoral Care K-6