Participation is the key

Participation is the Key.

Each year the 7-10 Houses battle to win the Aggregate Shield. This shield accumulates the points from four key areas – Sport, Academia, Mission and Creative Arts. Students can earn points for talent, particularly in terms of Academic Awards and Achievement and results within Sporting Carnivals and Creative Arts Events.

In saying that, the shield is designed so that any House can win and a majority of the points are earned with participation. Getting involved in Vinnies, SYDC, the Fair, Academic Tours and participation at Carnivals.

On Tuesday, we had the 7-10 Athletics Carnival. The Carnival has four events in which all students can complete. This includes the 100m, the Long Jump, a Throw and an 800m.

This means that every student that attends and competes can earn a minimum 4 points. Theoretically, if one House has 10 more students attend then another, they start with a 40-point head start.

This year, absences on Tuesday were low, with each House being of similar numbers. This made the Carnival the closest it has been in many years. Congratulations to everyone on the particpation: the colour, the fun, the cheering, the involvement. It is where School Memories are made.

Well done to Ms Millikan and the HPE staff for a great day and well done to the students who competed, worked hard and tried their best.

Special mention to extraordinary efforts from: Tyler Carr, Georgia Enright, Sam Walker, Naomi Wakefield, Maddison Shaw, Bradley Young.

You can see more photos from our Carnival in the website galleries: ; ; .

Mr Aaron Davey - Coordinator of Pastoral Care 7-10