P&F update on activities

It has been a very busy month with P&F members involved in many school and community activities, all gearing up the Colour Run and Community Fair next term.

Hardworking volunteers came out in force to support our Father’s Day Stall and we had a fantastic range and variety of gifts again this year thanks to our wonderful VP Anne Lacy. All students had a great time choosing gifts for their loved ones which made it a fantastic day.

We were invited to support the Science Fair in August by holding a BBQ after school for all students, staff and parents. Thank you to all P&F members and volunteers who helped to serve up over 400 sausages to some very hungry patrons. Your time and effort was greatly appreciated by everyone.

Our annual BBQ to support the Denison & Franklin Footy & Netball participants was held on 19 September. A big thank you goes out to Sharon Cleland, Melanie Cleland, Sharyn Majchrzak and Jo Berry who helped cook and hand out over 150 sausages and drinks.

On Thursday evening 20 September, we were invited back to man the canteen at the GYC Music and Dance Showcase. We had lots of fabulous P&F volunteers giving up their evening to supply refreshments before the show and during the interval to patrons of the Showcase.

Every year it seems to get bigger and better and we are pleased to be able to be part of this amazing evening.

Upcoming Events

The Family Photo Day to being held on Saturday 13 October, it’s filling up fast with all morning timeslots now booked up but with many afternoon sessions still available. Please contact Nanette Dowling on 0407 830 346 to book your session as you don’t want to miss out. A large family photo from Michael Webb is only $20 and they make beautiful gifts for family members.

School Run4Fun Colour Explosion

Get ready for a blast of colour! We’re turning our bi annual Walkathon event from bland to GRAND with an explosion of colour this year. We’re excited to participate in the School Run4Fun Colour Explosion. It’s the colour craze that’s sweeping the nation and on Wednesday 24 October it is our turn.

The event will kick off from 1.30pm with all students gathering on the College Oval. The day’s focus is on fun and fitness with the added benefit of raising funds for our College. Students who raise as little as $10 will receive a prize for their efforts so make sure you sign up now at www.myprofilepage.com.au. For more information email parentsandfriends@dominic.tas.edu.au

Community Fair - Friday 2 November, 3.30pm - 7pm

Raffle books for our major Raffle will be sent home soon. We have amazing prizes this year, so please support the Fair and the businesses who have generously donated by buying a book. Tickets are $2 each and prizes are worth over $4000.

After being so popular last year we have decided to have the King’s Trailer full of goodies as first prize on the raffle again and as a result are on the lookout for some extra goodies to help fill the space. If your family or business can donate non perishable food items, toys, games, hardware, gardening tools, sporting equipment or any other items, please contact Nicola on 0437195566 or drop them into any of the school offices.

A massive thank you goes out to Sharyn Majchrzak for helping print raffle books and bundle them up ready to be sent out. We really appreciate the tremendous effort put in by yourself and your workmates at Mark Media to have a fast turnaround Well done!!

Food stalls have been locked in for this year as has most of the entertainment. All the old favourites are returning as well as a few newbies. These include hot chips, nachos, snow cones, fairy floss, cake stall, Cam’s Curries as well as mini doughnuts, hot roast rolls and toffee apples. We have the ever popular Gee Whizzer coming back as well as the Jumping Castle, Aldi Mini Roos, Fire Truck, Fishcare, Tas Reptillia as well as our own DOSA Roosters, Animal Husbandry, School choirs and bands and even the Taiko Drums.

So much to do and see and a great afternoon is had by all who attend, so mark the date in your diary and come along.

Fair Volunteer forms will be emailed out over the holidays so if you can spare an hour or two on Fair day either setting up or manning a stall it would be greatly appreciated, as the more volunteers we have the easier it is for everyone to enjoy the day.

The next P&F meeting is on Wednesday 17 October and all parents are invited to attend.

Mrs Nicola Rayner - P&F Community President