P&F News - first meeting 2019

Our first meeting of 2019 was held on Wednesday 27 February and we had an amazing turnout of P&F members and staff.

Dylan Chivers, ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ»ÆƬ Chief Financial and Operations Manager, came along and did an in depth presentation on the capital development of the K-2 area that will begin later this year.

The development consists of new classrooms, outdoor areas, walkways, playgrounds and more, and will cater to the needs of our ever growing community.

Our Annual General Meeting was also held and all Executive positions have been filled.

The P&F Community Executive are:

  • President - Nicola Rayner,
  • Vice President - Anne Lacy,
  • Treasurer - Amanda Page,
  • Secretary - Jo Berry,
  • Event Coordinator - Kirsty Schulze.

Thank you to these wonderful women for stepping up again this year and taking on roles on the Executive. I am very glad to have your support and guidance and we will have another fantastic year.

General Committee members for 2019 are Sharon Cook, Leesa Baker, Sharyn Majchrzak, Sharon Cleland, Pam Cosker, Christine Smith, Karen Murray-Cox, Annette Roberts, Elise Reardon, Jess Quin, Amberley Harrex, Hayley Stoddart, Dannielle Quinn and Lyn Young.

Thank you to all these ladies for becoming committee members again this year.

P&F Events for 2019

Our major events for this year have been locked in to the calendar and are as follows

  • Easter RaffleWednesday 10 April 2019
  • Mother’s Day Stall Wednesday 8 May 2019
  • K-6 DiscoFriday 17 May 2019
  • Father’s Day Stall Wednesday 28 August 2019
  • Community Fair Friday 8 November 2019

We will also be running smaller events including BBQs, PJ Day, Music & Dance Showcase Canteen and many more.

If anyone would like to volunteer to help at these events please let us know by emailing parentsandfriends@dominic.tas.edu.au and joining our volunteer mailing list. We really do appreciate any assistance that parents can give.

Easter Raffle

Our Easter Raffle will kick off next week so keep an eye out for raffle books being sent home and for an email about what items parents can donate.

Books will consist of 10 tickets and will be $1 per ticket. We are on the lookout for gift boxes, cane baskets and the like, that we can use as bases for our hampers, so if anyone has any they would like to donate, please drop them at any of the school offices.

Uniform Review and Re-Design

We are planning on using our next P&F meeting on Wednesday 20 March as an opportunity for parents to give feedback about the uniform to representatives from Perm-a-Pleat and the Uniform Committee.

It will be held in the 7-10 Library from 7.15pm and I would encourage all parents/guardians to come along and find out more about the Review process.

Mrs Nicola Rayner - President P&F Community 2019