P&F Easter Raffle

The P&F Easter Raffle has received amazing support from all parents, students and the school community with nearly $3000 being raised in just 3 short weeks.

From the donations we received, we managed to put together over 30 large hampers that were drawn on Wednesday afternoon. A huge thanks to Mary, Sharon and Katerina for helping put together the hampers and to Megan and Mary for helping me draw the raffle.

Students enjoyed the excitement of the raffle expertly hosted by Mrs Doyle. Thank you again to all families for your donations and to the hard work involved in selling tickets.

There are a range of photos on our gallery: .

Here are the list of winners

1st - Annabelle Pyke - Prep
2nd - Sophia Kokkinoftas - Kinder Mice...
3rd - Lexie Sandford - Grade 1
4th - Cally Spangler - Guzman 5
5th - Olivia Riesley - Kinder Bears
6th - Annalize Moase - Grade 7
7th - Steph Kelleher - Grade 3
8th - Brad Young
9th - Mollie Harris - Grade 4
10th - Sophie Fidanza - Grade 2
11th - Callum Kelly - Grade 1
12th - Brody Pettit - Grade 3
13th - Daniel Bombardieri - Siena 5
14th - Max Deacon - Grade 7
15th - Zak Balmforth - Grade 3
16th - Jessica Appleby - Grade 4
17th - Lilly Driver - Kinder Mice
18th - Austin Neilsson - Grade 4
19th - Thor Bosacz -Cross - Siena 5
20th - Holly Cate - Grade 2
21st - Sharon Cook - Savio 2
22nd - Klaus Ziegler - Grade 5
23rd - Daisy Lincoln - Grade 1
24th - Oliver Nicolle - Grade 3
25th - Laura O'Reilly - Grade 2
26th - William Zeitzer - Prep
27th - Ella Hamilton - Grade 2
28th - S. Krasnicki - Grade 2
29th - Maddie Bowerman - Grade 6
30th - A. Harrex - Prep
31st - Sarah O'Reilly - Grade 5
32nd - Brianna Gadd - Grade 4
33rd - G Harper - Kinder Bears
34th - Tori Stringer - Bosco 5
35th - Benjamin Atkin - Prep
36th - Emily Viney - Savio 5
37th - Irene Capece via Kinder Mice

Congratulations to all our winners - the P&F hope you enjoy your hampers and have a safe and happy Easter!
Mrs Nicola Rayner, President - Parents & Friends Community