Our Prep-Year 6 assembly in the Savio Centre

We had an enjoyable Prep-Year 6 assembly in the Savio Centre today, Wednesday 24 February.

Year 2 students welcomed us and got us joining in with a great song, with plenty of actions. Year 5 students presented their video on "Gratitude" - what a nice movie! - there were messages of gratitude from a range of students - and teachers. thank you, Year 5.

To celebrate Worl Read Aloud Day, our College Principal, Ms Gilligan, read a whole book: 'Mr Magee and the Biting Flea' with very appropriate voice effects which kept the whole student body entertained.

And two students from each class received special teacher-awarded certificates for good work, good effort and as examples for the rest of the class to follow. These students were cheered by all! Well done.

Max received his vice-captain badge (he was away last year). A rousing rendition of the College Song sent us all out cheerful.

You can see a few more photos on the website gallery: .