Our assemblies begin

This week we commenced our cycle of assemblies and we held our first 7-10 Assembly in the Savio Centre on Wednesday.

Our student leaders did a great job in leading the gathering and outlining activities and opportunities that will be on offer for students this term and across the year. Ms Gilligan commended our College Captains, Maggie Baker and Will Parkinson for their encouragement of the student body and their inspiration.

The College also took the opportunity to acknowledge and congratulate our Year 10 College Vice-Captain, James Stansbie, on having his striking and powerful black and white photograph selected for the cover of the 2017 College Year Book. James was presented with a professionally framed print of his photograph by his Media Studies teacher, Mrs Jo Jeffery. James spoke about using his sister’s and father’s hands as the centrepiece for the contrast task the class was set and was most appreciative of the recognition of his work.

Congratulations James on your exellent work.

At Wednesday’s 7-10 assembly Mr Casni also spoke to students and reminded them about the importance of coming to class and approaching all learning with a growth mindset as opposed to a fixed mindset.

'Often in the classroom, many young people in today’s world are presented with learning tasks, assignments and activities to do, take one look at it and say “it’s too hard” and give up.'

Mr Casni said that some may look at students in the class who always achieve excellent marks 'and say “well, they’re just smart.” The truth is, these students have adopted a growth mindset - where, for example, they read what a teacher has written about an assignment and apply the feedback to future learning activities; where they set small achievable goals and work out clear strategies to help them achieve. They take ownership of their learning.'

Ms Gilligan welcomed 7-10 students and spoke about the importance of what we say, as well as what we do. That words matter. Students can be hurt by the words you use; alternatively you can help and inspire students by caring and thoughtful words.

You can see more photos on our gallery: 7-10 assemby.