Orienteering gets a great start

Orienteering had a great start in Term 1 at ƵƬ.

HPE students and teachers were excited to have worked with excellent specialist coaches in Term 1, in learning the basics of Orienteering.

ƵƬ received $2700 in special funding from the Federal Government through Sporting Schools Funding Grants in Term 1. The College used part of the grant on getting a professional “Orienteering Map” of the College drawn up through mappers from Orienteering Tasmania.

The grant also enabled all of the Year 3-6 PE classes to have Orienteering sessions with qualified instructors from Orienteering Tasmania during PE lessons.

The HPE teachers have gained valuable skills they will transfer across to the Year 7-10 HPE classes throughout the year.

Orienteering will now be part of the HPE curriculum from Year 3-10 with the Map being a fantastic resource for the HPE department.

The ƵƬ Maths Department is also excited at the opportunities Orienteering offers for learning.

Orienteering provides a wonderful opportunity for our students to get out and be active whist using many other valuable skills such as map reading, compass use, cooperation and teamwork.

Orienteering is a sport for all types of fitness which is great for all students in a diverse school setting.

Mr Cameron Golding – Director of HPE K-10