Ms Venettacci, have a nice Immersion!

This weekend our Prep teacher, Miss Christina Venettacci, will be travelling to Samoa to be with our Salesian family there.

Christina will be part of a Salesian immersion and formation/animation experience called the Cagliero Program, that our Province runs.

This is a wonderful professional learning and service opportunity the College offers to one of its teachers. Ms Laura Nelson was part of this program in 2015.

Miss Venettacci will be absent from Saturday 25 June and will return Sunday 10 July. Miss Venettacci will be replaced by Mr Warren Stanwix for the last week of term. We look forward to Miss Venettacci’s safe return.

As part of the program preparation, K-6 held a soup stall last Friday to raise funds to go towards resources for the Samoan school. We are pleased to announce $450 was raised. What an amazing effort!