Mini-Vinnies Sausage Sizzle for Project Compassion

Our Mini-Vinnies Sausage Sizzle is the first of a number of fun events we have planned!

This year, Mrs Rootes, our K-6 Religious Education Coordinator has developed a Mini Vinnies Group.

It’s based on the work of St Vincent de Paul and helps students put the gospel values into action. All Year 6 students were invited to join and it really helps develop leadership skills.

The Mini Vinnies group has already had two meetings and they have come up with the following ideas: selling hot chocolate in winter, a colouring-in completion for kindergarten, a cake auction and much more. Mrs Rootes and the Mini Vinnies group are open for new members and they hope to see you at the next meeting!

On Thursday 30 March the Mini Vinnies group held a sausage sizzle in the K-4 area. The sausages were $2 and all of the money raised will be going towards Project Compassion. Mrs Rootes has put time and effort towards this barbeque and she plans to help us organise a lot more events like it this year.

Everyone really enjoyed having their sausages at lunch time and it was a lot of fun to organise.

Rachael Glidden - Year 6 Vice-captain