Looking after the creek

On Monday 10 September, all Year 6 students worked on the creek as part of our ongoing rehabilitation/conservation Science project.

Everyone worked very hard weeding, mulching, clearing, cage making and re-caging most of the plants we had planted two years ago. The current protective guards had become too small for the growing plants.

Once again volunteers from the Understorey Network, now linked with Conservation Volunteers Tasmania, came along to advise and assist with the work.

Melanie Conomikes from Understorey commended our students saying the work that they had done was amazing. They were all definitely ‘Environmental Warriors’ and should be very proud of the important environmental difference they were making. We most certainly are!

Student, Elliot Skinner said he enjoyed cleaning the creek. 'I enjoyed helping with the plants and putting fences over them so the animals don’t eat them.'

'When Mrs Moulton first started with cleaning the creek,' said Alexa Sayer, 'there was almost no water running. Now it is cleaner; the creek has more water, more plants and more animals.'

'It was fun to protect and help our creek and school grounds because not all schools have a creek like us,' said Charlotte Eiszele.

You can see some photos on our web gallery: Creek rehabilitation

Ms Barbara Moulton, Creek Project Coordinator and Year 6 teacher