Lily Newell Bennett - young writer

Old scholar, Lily Newell, Class of 2016, is one of six young writers who have participated in the inaugural Young Writers in the City of Glenorchy program.

This writers-in-residence program is sponsored by the Tasmanian Writers Centre in partnership with the Glenorchy City Council and the Moonah Arts Centre. According to the TWC 'Six young writers-in-residence have each been commissioned to create experimental essays inspired by the various spaces and venues they have selected across Glenorchy.'

Lily’s focus was “Northgate and surrounds. She took the stage at the Moonah Arts Centre onThursday 22 June to read from her work and participate in a Q&A with the audience and the other 5 young writers.

You can read more about Lily and the Tasmanian Writers Centre, and read her work on these websites: