Kindergarten - Year 6 assembly awards

On Wednesday 17 May, K-6 held their first assembly for Term 2. Our focus for this term is on ‘Being Respectful and Kindness.’ The certificates this term reflect those areas and were presented along with the ‘We are Learners’ Certificates.

The following students received, respectively, Loving Kindness Awards, We are Respectful Awards, and We are Learners Awards in each class:

Kinder Mice: Oliver Pfitzner, Alyssa Krasnicki, Estelle Cooley

Kinder Bears: William Fox, Alka Sivananthakumar, Lily O’Brien

Prep A: Carmen Gill, Hannah Hawes, Nina Smith

Prep B: Brandon Beattie, Sophia Kokkinoftas, Aurora Cosker

Year 1A: Liliana Escobar, Chelsea Hawkins, Benjamin Atkin

Year 1B: Lily Brown, Jordan Bannister, Georgia Kelly

Year 2A: Charli McKinnlay Geeves, Sebastian Smith, Jack Jordan

Year 2B: Ethan Lacy, Sally Ho, Logan Beveridge

Year 3A: Cooper Laycock, Gracie Gallahar-Gore, Lucy Schiebel

Year 3B: Sophie Ransley, Samantha Clay, Alok Rai

Year 4A: Grace Fisher, Xander Roberts, Priyannika Kumrai

Year 4B: Jasmin Bailey, Ruby Brown, Christian Majchrzak

Year 5A: Amelie Gavan, Ryan Grealish, Maggie Wilby

Year 5B: Alarna Waller, Zayne Cooper, Jessica Appleby

Year 6A: Hawi Bowerman, Jasmin Good, Justin Nguyen

Year 6B: Samuel Cox, Max Peters, Hannah Lane MacDonald

Year 6C: Rose Brophy, Solomon Kidane, Lily Bowerman

Mrs Allison Lowe - Co-coordinator of Pastoral Care K-6