Kate's artwork is a hit.

ƵƬ’s biennial Creative Arts festival is two weeks away, and when it came time to choose a student’s art to feature in the publicity for the Festival, the Creative Arts teachers agreed: the artwork of Year 10 student, Kate Lovell, was the first choice!

You might have noticed her work adorning our website, or in posters and invitations. Lovely!

Kate’s Visual Art teacher, Mrs Jeffery, said Kate was conscientious and self-directed, and had developed a mature style across differing media and that Kate was exploring themes and colour in her journals.

‘I was particularly taken by the figure in Kate’s Hybrid art, who seems to be slumbering peacefully while floating above the constellations. It’s a beautifully restful piece.’

Kate has not titled this piece. She doesn’t like to title her work as she says to do so limits or leads a viewer’s imagination.

‘By keeping the art unfettered the viewer connects with the work in their own way, Mrs Jeffery explained. ‘If I had the chance to title it I might call it “slumberous wondrous.” What title would you give it?’