K-6 Parent Workshop - Numeracy Night

Albert Einstein said, ‘Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.’

Mathematics is certainly something that many students and parents worry about but if a great man like Albert Einstein worried about his skill level then we are in esteemed company!

Joking aside, not understanding mathematical concepts and processes can cause worry and frustration so it was wonderful to see the so many parents at our annual Numeracy Workshop evening. As always there was a sense a fun and joy as old maths skills were dusted off and new approaches explained.

After the success of last year’s combined K–6 evening, we again joined together so parents could access information from across the grade levels. Presenting as a K-6 staff allowed parents to see where their children are coming from and where they are going to.

The evening began in the MPC with an introduction to the aims and key ideas of the Australian Mathematics Curriculum.

Parents then broke into smaller groups to rotate through workshops that focused on the four main mathematical processes – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.

At each station parents heard about the language that is used and were given practical, hands-on ideas on how to help their child at home.

After a night of learning that involved trial and error, risk taking and fun parents left understanding another thought of the great Albert Einstein – ‘A person who never makes a mistake never tried anything new.’

Mrs Sue Cunningham - Coordinator of Teaching & Learning 3-6